• 關於沒有
  • 登山社
  • 地質博物館
  • 沒有精選
  • 聯絡我們
  • 沒有登山社 / MOUNT NO

    西元1999 年沒有(NO) 初具雛型,2002 年8 月16 日正式於台灣成立「沒有」( 網路論壇,並開始成為一個以哲學和藝術為討論核心的討論會形式,初期成員以高雄市的咖啡廳為主要聚會地點,成員則分別來自美術、哲學、博物館、建築等領域。2006 年後,由於許多成員同時為台灣各大學登山社、登山協會會員,討論會的形式與地點開始逐常態性結合登山、溯溪活動,並於2006 年開始以沒有當代藝術館(MOCA 的形式,在各地巡迴舉辦展覽和研討會。2016 年更名為沒有博物館(MUSEUM NO),2022 年再次更名為沒有登山社 MOUNT NO ) 。

    In 1999, No (NO) took shape. On August 16, 2002, the "No" (NO) Internet Forum was officially established in Taiwan, and it began to become a discussionforum with philosophy and art as the core of the discussion. The initial members The coffee shop in Kaohsiung City is the mai n m eeting place, and themembers come from the fields of art, philosophy, museums, and architecture. After 2006, because many members are members of t he mountaineeringclubs and mountaineering associations of various universities in Taiwan, the form and location of the seminars began to be co mbi ned with mountaineeringand river tracing activities gradually, and began in 2006 as no contemporary art museum (MOCA NO) In the form of touring exhi bit ions and seminars invarious places. In 2016, it was renamed No Museum (MUSEUM NO), and in 2022 it was renamed No Mountaineering Club (MOUNT NO).